Owner: Ileana Hunter
How does your studio reflect your style?
The furniture is black and white, much like my artwork, and it’s small, much like myself! I’m afraid this is still a fairly new house and a bit austere for my taste.
What is the favorite part of your studio?
The studio is also my library and my photo studio where I work with my models. So quite a lot to choose from! I do adore my books and they bring me such joy and tranquillity, so I will have to go with the library.
What pieces in your studio inspire you?
I have a section of the wall where I keep my newest pieces – they never last, though, I am too much of a perfectionist and every time I look at one of my own artworks I find new flaws, so they’re on permanent rotation. I lovingly call it ‘the wall of shame’. (OK, not so lovingly.)
Do you have any handmade or vintage decor pieces?
There’s very little room for that, as most of my walls are covered in books. But you can see a rather pretty piece of gothic architecture out of my studio window – Norwich Cathedral, 100% hand made! I never get tired of how the light falls differently on its spire each hour of the day.
What is favorite color palette and how did you implement this in your space?
I spoke of my black and whites earlier – I didn’t have that concept in mind when I bought my studio furniture, but it must have been a Freudian thing, as it miraculously turned out to be black and white.
Strangely enough, though, if someone asked me, not related to art, what my favourite colour was, I would say red. And my dresses would prove that. What can I say? I’m a person of many contradictions.
What is the one tool used in your creation process you treasure the most?
My lovely brain!
What are the books or magazines that inspire you?
Art books and hours of longingly gazing at old masters’ pieces. But I read so much in general, there’s no telling what will pop into my mind and come to life on my paper.
What changes/upgrades would you like to make in the future?
I would like an obscenely spacious studio. So spacious, that I’d be able to swing a cat in it and the cat would actually live to tell the tale.
Website: http://www.ileanahunter.co.uk/
Etsy Shop: http://www.etsy.com/people/IleanaHunter
{Images from Ileana Hunter}
Wow! Ileana's artwork is unbelievable, so realistic, can't believe they are drawings!
Love the pristine workspace too!
Stunningly beautiful artwrok, lots of success in the future Ileana.
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